Category: MTHFR

How Camping Can Improve Your Sleep

How Camping Can Improve Your Sleep

Our Environments Are Artificial In today’s age our environments are almost completely artificial, we have artificial light, artificial environments, artificial food (think packaged and fast foods), and artificial sleeping schedules. Our ancestors were not exposed to artificial light all day long. Our ancestors evolved to sleep and wake up with cycles of the sun, and

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Coconut Shake

Coconut Shake

Ingredients: 6 coconut ice cubes (freeze coconut milk in an ice tray the night before) 1 banana (can be frozen) 1 Tbsp flax oil 2 tsp chia seeds (if you have a problem with oxalates, leave these out and replace with flaxseeds. 150ml water 150ml almond milk Seeds of 1 vanilla pod (optional) 1 Tbsp

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Grilled Asparagus with Warm Tomato Dressing

Grilled Asparagus with Warm Tomato Dressing

Ingredients: 1 medium tomato (150g) finely chopped (leave out if allergic) 1 clove of garlic, crushed 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 Tbsp finely chopped fresh basil 1 Tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 125g asparagus, trimmed 25g curly endive, torn 25g rocket leaves Method: Combine tomato, garlic and juice in a small pan, bring

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Anesthesia and MTHFR Mutations

Anesthesia and MTHFR Mutations

How do your genes affect anaesthetics? The effect of genes on anesthetics is a complex topic that is still being researched. However, some genetic variations have been found to influence an individual’s response to anesthetics. One important group of genes that can affect anesthetic response is the cytochrome P450 (CYP) family of enzymes. These enzymes

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Gluten and MTHFR

Gluten and MTHFR

Gluten is ubiquitous in many processed foods of today, this should come as a concern, as it negatively affects some of us without ever knowing it is the cause. Individuals with gluten sensitivity and MTHFR can be dealt a double blow where the conditions of both symptoms may amplify each other. We will look at

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Avocado and Sprout Rice Crackers

Avocado and Sprout Rice Crackers

Avocado and Sprout Rice Crackers Ingredients: 2 x organic brown rice cakes or paleo crackers ¼ – ½ x avocado 2 x Tbsp sprouts (alfalfa, snow pea sprouts) Lemon juice to drizzle Cracked pepper to season Method: Spread avocado between the 2 crackers, sprinkle with sprouts, squeeze a little lemon juice and season with cracked

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Brown Rice Porridge

Brown Rice Porridge

Brown Rice Porridge Ingredients: ¼ x cup organic brown rice (uncooked) ½ x cup of almond milk (or ¼ x cup almond milk + ¼ x cup water) 2 x Tbsp of organic natural yoghurt or coconut yoghurt 1 x Tbsp of organic crushed nuts (walnuts and/almonds) Top with 2 x sliced strawberries or a

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Folate or Folic?

Folate or Folic?

You say folate, I say folic acid… let’s call the whole thing off?  Paraphrasing the famous lyrics may help us remember that similar sounding words may not always translate to the same molecules! Folate has become an umbrella term used interchangeably to describe different forms of the basic vitamin B9: it can be easy to

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Exercise and MTHFR

Exercise and MTHFR

It is well known that exercise is good for us, it’s plain to see when we are provided with all the evidence of the benefits one can gain from regular exercise. Although exercise is mostly known for weight-loss, which plays a role in maintaining a healthy balanced life, it can provide us with so much

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Low Oxalate Flaxseed Pudding

Low Oxalate Flaxseed Pudding

Ingredients 2 cups coconut milk (or light coconut milk) 1/2 cup Flaxseeds 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup (or to taste) maple syrup or honey Optional: 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder Low oxalate fruits (blueberries, apple, apricots, cherries, nectarines) Instructions For Blended/Smooth Version: Place all ingredients in blender and blend on high for 1-2 minutes until

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