Watch My Introduction to Genomics Mini-Course:
How to Read Your Smart DNA Reports

Free: Watch the SMART DNA Training videos
Watch the following videos to learn how to interpret Genetic SNPs on the SMART DNA Advanced Pathways Test.
Methylation + Detox
Food Responses
Weight Management, Sport and Exercise
Ready To Discover How Genomics Can Revolutionise Your Practice?

Welcome! My Name is Carolyn Ledowsky
I’m the founder of MTHFR Support Australia and The Functional Genomics Institute.
I am a university-trained health scientist, researcher, naturopath, herbalist, and nutritionist. I have also studied genetics at Duke University (Genetics and Evolution) and the University of Maryland (Genes and the Human Condition—From Behavior to Biotechnology).
For almost two decades, I’ve dedicated my career to helping chronically ill patients from around the world—individuals who have often searched for years, even decades, to find answers for their ongoing health struggles.
I believe I’ve achieved success with my patients because my practice specialises in addressing genetic susceptibility and its crucial role in chronic health conditions and overall well-being.
Because of the results I’ve been able to achieve with patients, my practice has grown into a multi-million-dollar empire that serves individuals around the world.
And now I want to help other practitioners do the same.
I believe that practitioners who understand genetic susceptibility will be the ones who truly thrive in practice, like I have, because they’ll see significantly better health outcomes for their patients. This knowledge leads to a thriving practice with longer waitlists and patients eager to understand how they can regain and maintain health for life.
I now have the privilege of helping other doctors, naturopaths, and health practitioners incorporate genomics into their practices so they can experience phenomenal patient outcomes and build thriving clinical practices. I’m excited to help you do the same!
"The key to successfully unraveling chronic health conditions is the ability to understand a person’s genetic susceptibility and the environmental factors that contribute to biochemical dysfunction."
Ready To Go Deeper? Choose Between Our Comprehensive Courses and Mentorship Programs
What’s your learning style?
We have developed the Practitioners Training Programs in such a way that it suits whatever your learning style.
Work independently and learn at your own pace
If you prefer to work independently and learn at your own pace, then the Functional Genomics Institute is for you. The institute learning platform is all online. The 3 base courses are for you to begin your journey and Carolyn will present you with live sessions, clinical resources, premium blog articles and training videos to improve and extend your education.
When you join the Functional Genomics Institute, you will be joining a group of forward-thinking practitioners dedicated to improving patient care. Our private online forum is a great place to network, ask questions and connect with like-minded health professionals.
Guided Learning
1:1 Mentoring
If you are new to Genomics, and feeling a bit overwhelmed, the first place to start is to get a better understanding of Mthfr and Methylation
Methylation disturbance is at the heart of many health conditions.
Variations to the genes that affect methylation, including but not limited to the MTHFR gene, can affect various bodily functions, leading to a range of health implications.
Here are 9 major health areas that can be impacted by MTHFR and methylation gene mutations:

Decrease Nutrient Absorption and Utilisation
Genetic mutations can also affect how well the body absorbs and uses certain nutrients, like folate, which is vital for many bodily processes, including, you guessed it, detoxification.

Mental Health
MTHFR mutations can impact mental health, contributing to depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. This is partly due to the role of the MTHFR enzyme in producing neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which are critical for mood regulation.

Increase Sensitivity to Toxins and Medications
People with MTHFR variations can find themselves more sensitive to certain toxins and medications. This is because their bodies can struggle to process and eliminate these substances effectively.

Reduce Methylation
Methylation is like your body’s internal cleaning service. It helps in detoxifying homocysteine (a harmful amino acid) and converting it into other useful substances. With a less efficient MTHFR enzyme, the detox process can be less efficient, potentially leading to an accumulation of toxins and homocysteine.

Both men and women with MTHFR mutations may experience fertility issues. This is because the mutation can affect homocysteine levels and folate metabolism, which are important for reproductive health and embryonic development. Mutations in the MTHFR gene can lead to higher levels of homocysteine, which is associated with pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, spontaneous abortion, and placental abruption.

The MTHFR gene is essential for converting homocysteine into methionine, a process that requires folate (vitamin B9). Methionine is crucial for your body's detoxification processes. A mutation in the MTHFR gene can lead to higher levels of homocysteine and reduced methionine, potentially impairing the body's ability to detoxify effectively.

Bone Health
Elevated homocysteine levels have been linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. This is because homocysteine can interfere with collagen cross-linking, which is essential for bone strength.

Cardiovascular Health
Elevated homocysteine levels, which can result from MTHFR mutations, are linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The process affects the inner lining of blood vessels, potentially leading to clot formation and vascular damage.

Immune System Function
MTHFR mutations can influence the immune system's efficacy. The process of methylation, in which the MTHFR gene plays a crucial role, is vital for immune cell function and the regulation of immune responses. Disruptions in methylation can potentially lead to an increased susceptibility to infections and auto-immune conditions.
It’s a complex picture, isn’t it?
And there are many, many more implications of methylation disruption.
If you are ready to learn how to do this, and get step-by-step protocols you can use with your patients to address these disturbances, I highly recommend starting with my MTHFR and METHYLATION in Clinical Practice Course (for Health Practitioners only).

MTHFR and Methylation In Clinical Practice
Learn Step-By-Step Protocols To Address Methylation Issues with Your Patients
When patients with MTHFR and Methylation issues understand the right diet, lifestyle, and supplement strategies, we know that they can dramatically improve their health and reduce the risk of related health issues.
Take this short course to navigate the complexities of the genetic variations involved in methylation disturbance and how to better support patient’s with these genes ONLY $127