Category: MTHFR

Histadelia vs. Histapenia

Histadelia vs. Histapenia

Histadelia vs. Histapenia: Does the Pfeiffer protocol always make sense? Understanding Your Histamine Blood Test Results Histamine is most popularly known for its role in allergic and inflammatory processes, including immediate and delayed hypersensitivity immune reactions. It also serves as a neurotransmitter like serotonin and dopamine, and is therefore involved in alertness, arousal, learning, memory,

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Histamine and Mental Health

Histamine and Mental Health

How Histamine Imbalance Could be Ruining Your Mood One of the many functions of histamine in the body is to act  as a neurotransmitter, where it helps regulate important brain functions such as alertness, attention, learning, memory, stress response, sleep-wake cycles, and sexual function. When the body’s histamine levels go out of control, many behavioral

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Histamine Intolerance Histamine intolerance

HNMT Cofactors and Inhibitors

Histamine Intolerance Histamine intolerance (HIT) is a relatively common condition. The occurrence of HIT is increasing more these days, although the actual mechanism is not completely resolved. When it comes to HIT, we always think of some certain mutations in the DAO gene but HIT is not only because of this. We must also incorporate

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HER-stamine? The Link Between Histamine and Estrogen

HER-stamine? The Link Between Histamine and Estrogen

The female hormone estrogen may play a role in the development of histamine intolerance. This seems plausible since women consist of the majority who suffer from this. One explanation is that estrogen and histamine reinforce each other which means estrogen triggers histamine release. In turn, histamine causes increased estrogen production. But that is just among

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How does histamine effect our brain and nervous system?

How does histamine effect our brain and nervous system?

Histamine is a natural substance produced by the human body and is a substance with many important functions. Histamine was first isolated in 1907 by Windaus and Vogt, but research is ongoing in both health and disease since its initial description more than a hundred years ago.1 Histamine was considered an amine that was only

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Role of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) in Cardiovascular Disease

Role of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) in Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is a major health concern. Multiple co-morbidities are responsible for increasing the cardiovascular risks some of which include hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, smoking and hypertension. [1] All these diseases are directly or indirectly related to the plaque development inside the arteries otherwise known as atherosclerosis. The vascular tone of blood vessels is regulated by the

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DAO Deficiency and Histamine: The Unlikely Connection

DAO Deficiency and Histamine: The Unlikely Connection

What does it mean? We live in a time when we can choose what to eat. But in our endeavour to be healthy, what are we doing to histamine levels? How is this affecting us? For most of us, histamine is just another chemical compound that we associate with allergies.  It’s good for the most

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Role of Vitamin B12 in Pregnancy Related Obesity

Role of Vitamin B12 in Pregnancy Related Obesity

You are B12 deficient when your serum B12 is <150 pmol/l according to our Australian Labs. But the reality is that this number is way too low and people who have a B12 level this low will surely show signs of neurological dysfunction. There is sufficient research to suggest that this level should be 500pmol/L

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Step 2 in MTHFR Support: How To Choose The Right B12 For You

Step 2 in MTHFR Support: How To Choose The Right B12 For You

We’ve written plenty about the importance of B12 intake with regards to the MTHFR gene. The best sources of B12 will always be the food you eat (specially meat) but what if you need to get more B12? You can only eat so much food in one day and sometimes B12-rich foods aren’t abundant. This is

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