
Folate in Pregnancy

Folate in Pregnancy

Folate is important for so many processes in the body but arguably most importantly is the role it plays in pregnancy and fertility.  No doubt you’ve heard of folic acid.  Like most people, you might not know that there’s a difference between folate and folic acid, which can make things confusing for us when we …

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MTHFR Gene Health

MTHFR Gene Health

What is the MTHFR gene health, and why does it matter? It means that the more you look after your diet, lifestyle, sleep, stress, toxins and do exercise, the more healthy your genes are. Just because you have a genetic change, it doesn’t mean there is a problem. However, the more stress you have, the …

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B12 Insufficiency and Folate – a Crucial Factor in Pregnancy

B12 Insufficiency and Folate – a Crucial Factor in Pregnancy

We already know that vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is an essential nutrient for pregnancy, because it is important for cell growth and baby development. Specifically, B12 works together with folate for the syntheses of DNA, RNA, lipids and proteins inside the cells. Most importantly, B12 and folate are both critical in homocysteine metabolism, DNA methylation, …

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Prenatal Folate and Homocysteine Affect Children’s IQs

Prenatal Folate and Homocysteine Affect Children’s IQs

Folate is important for the overall methylation and synthesis of DNA, which is critical to your baby’s development. But it’s particularly essential for the growth and replication of neural cells. We see this in cases of neural tube defects, and pregnant women know to increase folate consumption to prevent them. However, folate deficiency during pregnancy …

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