Category: MTHFR

What is Hepatitis B and should we be giving it to newborns?

What is Hepatitis B and should we be giving it to newborns?

What is Hepatitis B and should we be giving it to newborns? Hepatitis B injections are currently given to newborns, then again at 2 months, 4 months and 6 months. Many countries, including Norway don’t give this injection until 15 years of age and Denmark don’t give this at all. The vaccine contains .5mg of Aluminium

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Autism and Low Glutathione Levels

Autism and Low Glutathione Levels

The role of glutathione Even though involvement of genetic abnormalities in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is well-accepted, recent studies point to an equal contribution by environmental factors, particularly environmental toxicants. Glutathione in autism has become the topic of great interest as the scientists explore the theory that autism may be triggered by exposure to heavy

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MTHFR and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

MTHFR and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Is there a link between Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and MTHFR gene mutations? Some women are unfortunate enough to have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS despite not showing any signs or symptoms typical to this health problem. When symptoms like being overweight, diabetes or extra androgens are an issue in woman’s health, we have to

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What Is Glyphosate And How Can It Affect Our Health?

What Is Glyphosate And How Can It Affect Our Health?

Roundup is a popular brand of herbicide by Monsanto and has been making rounds not because of how great a product it is but because of its active ingredient: Glyphosate, a compound declared carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer or IARC. Its household popularity is not just what makes it dangerous. It

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Metagenics Presents Skewed Research at Methylation Seminar

Metagenics Presents Skewed Research at Methylation Seminar

By Carolyn Ledowsky Founder MTHFR Support Australia Last night I attended the Methylation Seminar in Sydney presented by Metagenics. The presentation started with a discussion on how Methylation is important for key metabolic processes like creatine synthesis, phospholipid synthesis, cell communication and DNA repair. Case studies were presented for each of these and we were

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No Cure For ALS But Prevention Is Possible

No Cure For ALS But Prevention Is Possible

Stephen Hawking is a world renowned English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. He is what many people call a genius visionary whose knowledge is only limited by what science has yet to find out. Despite his tremendous achievements, he is currently much more recognized to be the symbol of a crippling disease: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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Preconception, Pregnancy and Folate

Preconception, Pregnancy and Folate

Preconception health. What is that!? Preconception care is what we call the preparation time a woman and man undergoes before they become pregnant. It’s all about knowing the risk factors that could affect a woman’s body or her baby if she becomes pregnant and how they should prepare nutritionally and environmentally to ensure the best

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The Ugly Truth About Glyphosates

The Ugly Truth About Glyphosates

How This Weed Killer Could Also Be Killing You Glyphosate herbicides are the most popular and most commonly used herbicides today. While manufacturers claim them to be “safe,” there’s a whole lot of evidence that says otherwise. In this article, we will discuss the serious harm glyphosates bring about to our health and environment. What

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Foods High in Oxalates: How Much is TOO MUCH?

Foods High in Oxalates: How Much is TOO MUCH?

What are oxalates? Oxalate is produced as an end-product of metabolism of vitamin C, as well as of fructose and the amino acids serine and glycine. The body does not use oxalate for any of its processes; instead, it is excreted from the body through the urine or faeces. Even if oxalate intake is zero,

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Oxalates and its effects on our health

Oxalates and its effects on our health

What are oxalates? Oxalates aren’t exactly well known compounds, but they can affect our health if our body doesn’t process it optimally. Oxalates are found in a wide variety of foods and play an important role in the metabolism of various plants, animals, and of course our own human metabolism. Humans can’t digest oxalates and

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Carolyn Ledowsky

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