Category: Genes



What Is Infertility? Infertility is defined as being unable to conceive after 12 consecutive months of attempting to do so. Male infertility is just as common as female infertility, and can be due to a larger range of hormonal, environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors. Researching Linking Infertility & MTHFR Varicocele is the presence of widened

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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

What is Erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Causes include medications, chronic illnesses, poor blood flow to the penis, drinking too much alcohol, or being too tired. Research The MTHFR genes play important rolls in the metabolism of folate and homocysteine. Mutations in the

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Down’s syndrome

Down’s syndrome

What is Down’s Syndrome? Down’s syndrome is a condition resulting from a genetic abnormality in which an extra chromosome is present, giving a total of 47 rather than 46 (at the 21st chromosome). Currently, the strongest risk factor associated with Down Syndrome is maternal age, with the chances of having a child with this syndrome

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