Nicole Bijlsma

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Building Biologist, Naturopath, Author, PhD candidate

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Nicole Bijlsma is a woman of passion and her passion is in environmental medicine. As a result of her own infertility issues, and noticing a strong connection between many of her patients illnesses and hazards in the home, Nicole established the Australian College of Environmental Studies in 1999 to educate people about the health hazards in the built environment. Nicole was a former naturopath and acupuncturist, having lectured at various universities for 12 years, the bestselling author of Healthy Home Healthy Family,  has published in peer reviewed journals, has written extensively for Body+Soul newspaper, is regularly consulted by the media to discuss electromagnetic fields and toxic chemicals, and lectures in Australia and abroad to integrative GPs about environmental health issues. Nicole and her husband Mark manufacture the Abode cleaning product range which was developed for people with skin and chemical sensitivities. She has three young children and is currently doing her Masters on environmental health.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Speaker Topic” tab_id=”1493848067788-b21528f0-e270″][vc_column_text]Every sixty seconds another twenty chemicals are registered for use on the world’s largest database; the Chemical Abstract Service. There are over 130 million chemicals on this database and up to 90% of the man-made portion have never been tested for their impact on human health because the burden of proof is not on industry to prove safety. Over one thousand hormone disrupting chemicals are currently known, many of which are circulating in everyday products, and their impact during the foetal period can have devastating consequences later on in a person’s life. Nicole explores the sources of EDCs, who is at risk, the adverse health effects during critical windows of development, how progressive organisations are attempting  to address the issue and the simple tips to reduce one’s exposure.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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