Sonia Savage – MTHFR and Methylation Clinical Nutritionist


Sonia has been mentored by Carolyn Ledowsky and works closely with all her patients. This training has given Sonia specialised knowledge in the area of genetics and epigenetics. Sonia also has a keen interest in auto-immunity, gut health, children’s wellness and fertility.

With a practical, down to earth approach Sonia works with her patients to develop a personalised program to optimise health and wellbeing. As a holistic practitioner a consultation with Sonia will involve not only the analysis of pathology and/or genetic SNPs, she looks closely at health history and environmental stress. As a Clinical Nutritionist Sonia uses specific nutrients and functional foods to address imbalances and reverse chronic health conditions. Sonia will empower you with her whole-food eating plans and provide lots of helpful information to help you to achieve your goals.

Sonia is a fully qualified Nutritionist with an Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine. She is a member of ATMS and will soon complete a Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine).


She listens to everything I have to say, asks me questions about things that I wouldn’t have thought of and is genuinely interested in providing the best possible outcome for Millie.

She always sends an email after the appointment with everything written down in a clear and concise manner.

This is invaluable, I print the email and it goes into the cupboard along with Millies tablets and then I have a clear record of where I am at and what dosages are required.

This means I have complete peace of mind knowing that if I’m sick or away, my Husband of Mum could get Millies medications together.

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Carolyn Ledowsky

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