Category: Genes

Unravelling the Genetic Threads of Diabetes: How Nature, Nurture, and Pregnancy Shape the Future

Introduction: Diabetes, a condition characterised by elevated blood sugar levels, is a complex interplay between genetic susceptibility and environmental influences. Understanding the intricate dance between nature and nurture, including the impact of pregnancy, is crucial in unravelling the mysteries of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Genetic Susceptibility in Diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes: Type

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How to best understand your genetics

How to best understand your genetics

Genetics is about studying how the genes are passed down from parents to their children. These genes are not only responsible for expressing specific traits in the child, such as physique, hair colour, eye colour, complexion and so on but also carry the risk of diseases from parents.1 We often assume that the genes are

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How do you know if you have a methylation problem?

How do you know if you have a methylation problem?

Methylation can be defined as a vital biochemical process which is required for the proper functioning of our body. It involves the addition of a methyl group to a molecule which acts as a biological switch for certain activities like energy production, detoxification, DNA repair, regulation of gene expression, detoxification and synthesis of several neurotransmitters.

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How does MTHFR affect your fertility?

How does MTHFR affect your fertility?

As soon as you plan to get pregnant, it’s pretty normal that you want to know as much as you can about the whole process – conception through to delivery. While you’re browsing through the internet, you come across the term folate or folic acid quite often and the more you read about it, the

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Homocysteine: What is it and how is it related to disease?

Homocysteine: What is it and how is it related to disease?

Homocysteine (Hcy) is a sulphur-containing amino acid, which is derived during methionine metabolism and this is  the only way it is produced in the body. An enzyme, S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) synthetase, catalyses this process and is also a methyl donor for the synthesis of different compounds, such as proteins, nucleic acids and polyamines. Therefore it’s essential

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Key toxins that affect our biochemistry

Key toxins that affect our biochemistry

Toxins are the poisonous substances which, when introduced into the body of any organism can cause adverse effects or disturbances in the body. Various toxins which are freely available in the environment are known to cause several toxic effects on our body. These are also known as xenobiotics. As stated by WHO (World Health Organisation),

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MTHFR Gene Health

MTHFR Gene Health

What is the MTHFR gene health, and why does it matter? It means that the more you look after your diet, lifestyle, sleep, stress, toxins and do exercise, the more healthy your genes are. Just because you have a genetic change, it doesn’t mean there is a problem. However, the more stress you have, the

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Health Tips for MTHFR

Health Tips for MTHFR

Living a normal life unhindered by an MTHFR deficiency is very attainable and prevention is definitely the best course of action. Making the changes recommended in this article are important so you can optimize your folate levels and minimize the effects that the environment may have on the expression of the gene. Remember that you

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