Poached Organic Chicken Salad With Pistachio + Salsa Verde

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By Teresa Cutter


Serves 2

4 good handfuls mixed leafy greens

1 cup alfalfa

½ cup snow pea sprouts

1 Lebanese cucumber, sliced

1 bunch asparagus, trimmed

handful chopped mint and parsley

20 g pumpkin seeds

20 g pistachio chopped

300 g poached or grilled skinless chicken breast, sliced

Salsa Verde

1 bunch parsley leaves

1 bunch mint leaves

1 lemon

½ cup cold pressed olive oil


  1. Mix all ingredients for the salad into a large bowl.
  2. Make the dressing by combining the herbs, lemon zest, juice and olive oil into a good high-speed blender.
  3. I love to use my Vitamix for this as it blends up the herbs to a wonderful smooth puree.
  4. Season with a little pepper.
  5. Serve each salad with 2 tablespoons of dressing and enjoy for a healthy lunch or dinner.


How to poach a chicken breast:

Place 2 chicken breasts, 3 cups of water, a pinch of salt, juice of 1 lemon and the stems of a bunch of fresh parsley or thyme in a saucepan. Bring to the boil gently, then turn down the heat to very low… Cover and simmer on a gentle heat for 15 minutes (do not boil). Check to see if they are fully cooked through. Remove the chicken breasts and use as required. Enjoy hot or cold.

Other protein sources can be used in place of the chicken such as grilled white fish, tinned tuna or wild salmon, sardines – even rare cooked grass-fed beef.

Vegetarians can use cooked tempeh or organic eggs in place of the chicken for added protein.

Sourced from The Health Chef

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