Nourish Bowl

Nourish Bowl

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By Teresa Cutter of The Healthy Chef

The Nourish Bowl includes nutrient dense veggies, healthy fats, and quality proteins for a delicious and satiating meal.


Serves 2

  • Greens  – baby spinach, cos lettuce, rocket, kale, micro greens, sprouts etc.
  • Proteins – nuts + seeds, tahini, hummus, organic eggs and wild-caught fish, organic chicken.
  • Healthy fats – avocado, extra virgin olive oil, olives, nuts, seeds, tahini.
  • Veggies  – carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, peas, cauliflower, sweet potato, roasted pumpkin or other seasonal veggies you love.
  • Boosters  – fermented veggies like kimchi or sauerkraut, tahini dressing, seaweed, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, dukkah enriched with turmeric, fresh grated ginger, raw chopped garlic.
  • Dressings  – hummus, pesto, extra virgin olive oil mixed with lemon, vinaigrette made with apple cider vinegar, dijon mustard and olive oil.


  1. COMBINE kale, zucchini and iceberg into separate bowls.
  2. MASSAGE the kale with a little olive oil, lemon juice and salt for 1 minute until it starts to wilt……what I love about this salad is that it keeps well for 3 days in the fridge, so it’s a meal you can enjoy when you’re busy and stressed for time.
  3. DRIZZLE a little olive oil and lemon into the zucchini and toss through…you can also add fresh herbs or fold through freshly made pesto.
  4. SPREAD hummus over the base of 2 serving dishes.
  5. TOP with kale, lettuce and zucchini.
  6. CUT an avocado in half and arrange over each salad.
  7. GARNISH with pumpkin seeds and enjoy.
This recipe is sourced from The Healthy Chef.

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