Practitioner Know How – The Methylfolate Myths

Practitioner Know How – The Methylfolate Myths

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Welcome to the first post in our methylfolate ‘know how’ series

 The Methylfolate Trap


Did you know that the answer to a positive MTHFR mutation may not be methyfolate?

In fact you could actually be causing more harm than good.

This post is in response to the  increase in patients attending our clinic who are having serious adverse reactions to supplementation. Majority of these patients were under the previous guidance of other practitioners, who upon discovering they were in fact positive for MTHFR,  immediately prescribed them (high doses) of methylfolate.

While methylfolate can seem like the logical step for an MTHFR patient, if their mutation is not viewed from the perspective of their methylation cycle at large, you can quickly overmethylate your client – leading to highly undesirable and distressing symptoms.

Without a thorough insight in to their complete biochemical health picture that is so unique to each and every person, methylfolate can really do more harm than good.

Upon discovering a patient does indeed have an MTHFR mutation, it is imperative to immediately focus on the peripheral systems and genes that surround MTHFR within the methylation cycle. This is due to several symptoms and conditions within the body that must first be balanced in order for your patient to safely and healthily tolerate methylfolate.


As a refresher, always be on the look out for signs and symptoms of over-methylation due to methylfolate or methylcobalamin.

Side effects of methylfolate:

  • insomnia
  • muscle and joint pain
  • rash
  • severe anxiety and irritability
  • palpitations
  • nausea and vomiting
  • headaches, migraines
  • decrease in mood, even severe depression and suicidal thoughts
  • increase in allergic symptoms and reactions

A lot of information available from a variety of sources says that for those patients who have MTHFR mutations (especially the C677T MTHFR mutation) methylfolate is critical to take.

And yes, for some patients, gentle supplementation via methylfolate may be all that is needed if they are otherwise healthy and have few health conditions they need to address.

However for anyone dealing with allergies, inflammation, poor detoxification, hormonal imbalances or mood/ neurotransmitter imbalances – methyfolate could amplify these issues if they have not been addressed prior to engaging the methylation cycle once more.

Gain facts, become familiar with the methylation cycle at large and refer your patients for testing such as B12, RBC folate, zinc, copper, hormonal profiles, homocysteine, and if needed, genetic testing e.g. 23andMe for a comprehensive look into their current health picture.

If you’d like to understand more about the world of MTHFR, methyfolate and appropriate supplementation:

1. Stay tuned for subsequent posts in this methylfolate ‘know how’ series, where we break down several scenarios where methylfolate is and is not appropriate and why.

2. Sign up for our foundational MTHFR and Methylation webinar practitioner training series, kicking off early September. You can read all of the details, what the training includes and reserve your place by clicking this link here or the image below.

Prac Training Graphic 2.0

Spaces are limited and we’ve had an phenomenal response so far – this training will sell out!

Secure your place to learn the world of MTHFR in an easily digestible format!




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