Fertility Testimonials



I just need to say THANK YOU Carolyn Ledowsky for heralding the MTHFR cause and care, because I have had 10 miscarriages, a huge grief in my life and I wished that I knew of you and all this that you teach 15 years ago, as I found NO help through standard western medicine at the time and have suffered so much.

Suzanne Newman


In late November 2017, my husband and I were blessed with the long awaited arrival of our baby boy.

At 38 years of age, my journey to this point had involved five years of trying for a baby including surgery for endometriosis and several miscarriages (both natural and assisted conceptions). As part of this journey to try and conceive a healthy baby, we had dramatically changed our lifestyle and were in good health, but we felt that there was something missing. We sought help from another fertility specialist who understood our deep desire to conceive naturally and it was recommended that we see Carolyn at MTHFR Support given that we both presented with MTHFR gene mutations. 

Right from our initial consultation, we were impressed with Carolynโ€™s research-based and scientific approach. Without even looking at our presenting symptoms and medical history, Carolyn was able to tell us where we would be having health challenges based on our genetic profiles. Carolynโ€™s โ€˜hunchesโ€™ from the genetic profiles were backed up by our test results and we were amazed at how Carolyn could explain the scientific reason for our health, long standing ailments and emotional wellbeing.

After seeing Carolyn for a short time and following the regime tailored to each of us, we felt happier than we ever had before with the methylation support... we call these our โ€œhappy tabletsโ€ as our base level of happiness was taken up a notch! My blood tests showed marked improvements in areas that I thought would never shift e.g. thyroid improved, inflammation lowered and my GP even commented that I have a โ€œliver of a teenagerโ€. So for me, Iโ€™m confident that Iโ€™ve been able to slow my biological clock right down.

Best of all, we naturally conceived very happy and healthy baby! Throughout my pregnancy I felt fully supported with tweaks to my supplement regime to support me and the growth of my baby. He was born full term and we experienced no common newborn ailments. I credit this to him having everything he needed and at the right time for him to grow. Carolyn is very compassionate and provided emotional support which helped me understand the impact of stress on our attempts to conceive and hold a healthy baby. This support has continued with assistance in breastfeeding by naturally encouraging milk supply and guidance around vaccinations. 

We are impressed with how Carolyn challenges the status quo and passionately pushes the boundaries of conventional medicine in relation to MTHFR gene mutations and childhood vaccinations. I hope that more people may learn the importance of the methylation process and experience good outcomes with the right support.

Jade Murphy


Carolyn is helping me with my first pregnancy and I canโ€™t be thankful enough that I have her supporting me. My obstetrician is great but very medically focused. In Carolyn I have a sounding board to talk about my health and she is always one step ahead in thinking about my care and talking to me about things my obstetrician is not. For example a safe vaccination process, preparing my body for an easier birth and helping with my energy levels. I feel very confident in her advice and very supported, which is exactly what you want when going through a first pregnancy. Thank you!

Kim Hesse


Thank you Sonia and all the team at MTHFR Clinic. Our precious baby girl arrived safe and well on 22nd April. Much appreciate your months of assistance, care and the treatments provided prior and during pregnancy. Would highly recommend your clinic to anyone in need.



At 42, I was very concerned about being able to get pregnant, especially with autoimmune and MTHFR issues in the mix. Allopathic fertility specialists gave me little hope, so I searched online for a natural approach and found Carolynโ€™s clinic.

After reviewing my case, Carolyn assured me that I still had a good chance of conceiving. I followed her preconception plan for 4 months and fell pregnant on the first try with a baby boy.

Carolynโ€™s expertise and support gave me the tools and confidence I needed for a successful pregnancy. Iโ€™d recommend her services to anyone struggling to conceive, or just wanting to prepare for a very healthy baby.

J and Baby Jake, 43 


Good Afternoon Sonia

Hope you are well and having a fantastic week.

You will be so pleased to know I delivered a beautiful healthy boy last week named Harvey.

I cannot thank you enough for your amazing support - not one issue with the pregnancy - his placenta was perfect and I went to full term no blood pressure issues!! Absolutely due to the medication from MTHFR!!

I would love to book an appointment to look at my medication I should be taking now and anything you recommend for Harvey. 

Thanks x

Abby & Baby Harvey


Allow me to introduce you and Carolyn to my baby boy Nicholas Anthony born 28 Oct 2020. He is a healthy and happy boy and I am a very lucky mummy! I couldnโ€™t have done it without Carolynโ€™s help. Weโ€™re both well (albeit sleep deprived) and Iโ€™m certainly enjoying every minute of motherhood!



Truly AMAZING just about sums it up really! After finally discovering that MTHFR was the main culprit for all of my ailments (I am Compound Heterozygous), thankfully I found Carolyn and her team.. Carolyn has been on the money every step of the way with my treatment plan. I have my memory back, I have my sleep restored, I have lost weight and I have knees, for the first time ever!

After 6 miscarriages, a lifetime of short term memory loss, brain fog, unreasonable weight gain, IBS, migraines, PMS just to name a few, I had just about given up and almost resigned myself to being fat, miserable and grumpy forever โ€“ although I wouldnโ€™t remember initially!! I felt like Dory.
Am heading for 3 months down the track and I feel better than I have my entire life. I wonโ€™t lie, it has been hard work. Chocolate and Coffee went out the window for a while. I thought my life was over! But, after a few mini meltdowns in Woolies and the discovery of RAW chocolate and Goat Milk, I am pleased to say the coffee and chocolate have returned!

I have always been proud of myself for being pretty dynamic and dedicated, I canโ€™t wait to see just how dynamic I will be now that I am repairing my health.

My last miscarriage (my beautiful Ava Grace) was my epiphany. Ava showed me what was wrong and has been with me whilst I turn it around โ€“ for her.

Thank you Ava and thank you Carolyn xx



Iโ€™m so happy to tell you Amelia Florence made her debut on 21-8-18 weighing 3.4kg and 52cm.

She is perfectly happy and healthy. We are beyond delighted!!!!

The birth went really well (vaginal) with no complications of stitches and Iโ€™m pretty much back to normal.

A big thank you to you for your guidance and support. Our goal was a healthy baby and we have definitely achieved it so far.

Looking forward to our next session with my little doll

Maria B

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