Are your genes affecting your ability to detox?

What is detoxification?
Detoxification refers to the natural processes by which the body eliminates or neutralizes toxins. This occurs primarily in the liver, where various enzymes work to convert harmful substances into less harmful ones that can be excreted through urine or bile. This is a fundamental aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being.
What Can You Do To Improve Detoxification and Eliminate Toxins?
Step 1: Nutritional Cleansing
Making short-term dietary changes can help to re-charge your natural detoxification process. This includes eliminating specific foods or substances that can be harmful to the body in order to to take the pressure off the liver, gut and skin. For example, remove highly processed or chemically-laden foods, as well as any foods that don’t support your unique genes for a few weeks. Then replace those foods with highly supportive nutrients and supplements that are proven to nourish and boost your natural detoxification processes.
Step 2: Environmental Detox
Reduce exposure to environmental pollutants that can interfere with hormones, immune function and general liver function. Identify hidden chemicals and toxins in your home and work place and implement strategies to either eliminate or reduce your exposure. This step involves making small lifestyle changes that make a huge difference to your health.
Step 3: Mental Detox
Focus on incorporating strategies that support your mental and emotional well-being. Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and other stress-reduction techniques can be helpful for some people, but it may also involve making improvements to your social life, setting better boundaries, exercising or simply having more fun. Identifying what is practical for you to help clear your mind and promote mental resilience, is a key part of the detoxification process. Why? Because mental and emotional stress has a physical response in your body that must be eliminated out of the body.
You Have a Toxic Overload
Signs & Symptoms associated with poor detoxification include:
- Fatigue
- Brain Fog
- Poor Sleep
- Hormonal Imbalances & Infertility
- Gut symptoms (above)
- Weight fluctuations
- Skin problems (acne, rashes, itchy)
- Allergies
- Puffy eyes
- Yellow or white tongue
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
- Reacting to every supplement
- Headaches
- Migraines

Diagnosed Conditions relating to the detoxification system can include:
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Coeliac disease
- Diverticulitis
- Leaky gut
- Food intolerances / allergies,
- High cholesterol and triglycerides
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Gallstones
- Kidney stones
Your genetics play an essential role in your ability to detoxify. Your genes determine the speed and efficiency of your body’s detoxification processes. For example polymorphisms in your genes can cause certain liver enzymes to act too slowly, allowing for the reabsorption or inadequate removal of toxins. Other variations may cause some enzymes to work too fast, putting pressure on the liver, gut or kidneys to try to eliminate them. In other cases, some people have a deletion of certain enzymes, causing major blocks to detoxify.
Knowing what genes you have and the impact they are having on your ability to detoxify, helps make treatment strategies that are more personalised, more effective and enables you to have permanent improvements.
Our highly trained MTHFR healthcare practitioners assess hundreds of genes every day. When someone shows symptoms pertaining to gut health and detoxification issues, we assess liver detoxification pathways including phase I (e.g. cytochrome P450), phase II (the 5 main detox pathways e.g. glucuronidation, methylation, sulphation, acetylation, glutathionation), phase III enzymes (i.e. gut enzymes) and how these genes interact with each other and other systems in the body.
Patient Success Stories
Here's what some of our patients have to say:
It wasn’t too hard, the recipes were easy to follow and quite flavorful.
The best part of the program is the aspect of being supported by practitioners. I wasn’t able to attend to all the live calls because of my schedule but the fact that I can watch the replays was great.
Just hearing other people’s experiences from the program and the advice that Carolyn gave those people was a learning experience for me. As it turned out, I didn’t experience the improvements I had hoped to experience in the program but I learned a lot of information that perhaps I need to look into other aspects of my health.
The group call gave me information on what else I could look into and talk to my practitioner about. Overall, I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to improve their health. Carolyn has a wealth of information and she really wants to help you improve in your health goals.

I enrolled for this Detox program to gain energy, clarity and stronger digestion. I completed my first six weeks, and I’m feeling over the moon. Firstly because I have completed my first detox ever after trying several times with other practitioners.
My past experiences were somewhat disappointing and lack support. Secondly, I feel so much energy overall with clarity, energy and sound sleep. Thirdly, the detox allowed everyone to go at their own pace with diet and homeopathics.
I was able to listen to my body, take my time and workout to the recommended dose where I could and just took away the stress. Finally, I can continue with my remedies at my own pace until completed all the while maintaining my body weight.
Listening to other participants and practitioners provided me with helpful information, support and encouragement. The recommendations and the little “aha!” moments for diet and lifestyle were invaluable.

Get a Sneak Peek at our Premium Detox Course Workbook

Ready To Detox?
Detox package 1
$84.95 AUD
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Detox Package 2
Webinar – How genes affect your detoxification + Detox programme Workbook and guide + supplements
$244.95 AUD
Not a member? Become a member today and take advantage of these incredible savings.
Detox Package 3
$399.95 AUD
Not a member? Become a member today and take advantage of these incredible savings.
Further resources
Want to know your Toxic Load?
Take the assessment now
Get a Sneak Peek at our Premium Detox Course Workbook
Keen to know more? Purchase the full Feeling Fantastic Detox Programme here
Patient Knowledge Centre
Love to learn? Looking for solutions and treatment plans? Our Patient Knowledge Centre is an amazing resource centre with 100’s of hours of webinars and treatment protocols to empower you to keep you and your family healthy. And the best bit? Every month you get the chance to get your questions answered LIVE by Carolyn Ledowsky.